News from the Foundation

DNRF Annual Meeting 2018, The Royal Danish Academy for Sciences and Letters, (foto: Mikkel Østergaard)
16. November 2018

The DNRF Annual Meeting 2018: Diversity and Excellence in Recruitment and Career Development

The DNRF Annual Meeting 2018: Diversity and Excellence in Recruitment and Career Development On Friday, November 9, the DNRF’s annual meeting was held at the…

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1. Pladsen: Det ligner ved første øjekast en almindelig måne, men efter et par sekunder afslører sorte uregelmæssigheder, at billedet viser noget ganske andet. Faktisk er der tale om lys, som projekteres gennem tusindvis af tynde glasrør, også kaldet optiske fibre, der tilsammen danner en måneform. Manden bag billedet, Jonas S. Neergaard Nielsen fra Hy-Q ved DTU forsker i fotoners evne til at bære data. I modsætning til elektroner kan fotoner transportere information uden modstand med lysets hast. Håbet er, at man i fremtiden kan transportere enorme mængder af data og skabe et lynhurtigt og sikkert kvanteinternet, der eksempelvis kan beskytte personfølsomme oplysninger. (Photo: Jonas S. Neergaard Nielsen, Hy-Q, DTU)
14. November 2018

Submit your photo now: Photographing Science – a DNRF photo competition

The winning photo 2018. Photo: Jonas S. Neergaard Nielsen, Hy-Q, DTU Photos have the ability to unseal the world of science in a surprising and…

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DNRF logo
5. November 2018

The DNRF has initiated a tender for a global emerging markets equity mandate

The Danish National Research Foundation (DNRF) is looking for 1 Tenderer, who can manage a Global Emerging Markets Equity mandate of app. 30 million EUR…

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28. October 2018

Professor Clivia Sotomayor appointed new member of the DNRF board

Professor Clivia M. Sotomayor Torres was recently appointed as a member of the board of the Danish National Research Foundation. She is a professor of…

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Bestyrelsesformand Liselotte Højgaard og centerleder Peter Lodahl giver hånd ved åbningsceremonien for grundforskningscenteret Hy-Q.
21. September 2018

Inauguration of Hy-Q – Center for Hybrid Quantum Networks

Monday, September 17 was the day of the official opening of the DNRF center Hy-Q, headed by Professor Peter Lodahl at the Niels Bohr Institute,…

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26. June 2018

Inauguration of DAWN – The Cosmic Dawn Center

Last week, a new Center of Excellence, the Cosmic Dawn Center (DAWN), officially opened. During the next six years, head of center Sune Toft, together…

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Young Academy (Photo: Young Academy)
11. June 2018

Two researchers from DNRF Centers of Excellence have been accepted at the Young Academy

The talented researchers Víctor Silva Aguirre, from the Stellar Astrophysics Centre (SAC) at Aarhus University, and Naia Morueta-Holme, from the Center for Macroecology, Evolution and…

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3. May 2018

The winner of the DNRF’s photo competition 2018: Researchers control photons in the light of the optical fiber moon

A photograph of a full moon, created by lights from thousands of hair-thin pipes of glass, won first prize in the Danish National Research Foundation’s…

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The nests, (Ftoto: postdoc Søs Grønbæk Mathiassen, CARD)
3. May 2018

DNRF’s photo competition 2018: Close-up of cancer cells’ interphase wins second prize

A picture of cancer cells in the phase before cell division has won second prize in the Danish National Research Foundation’s photo competition 2018. The…

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3. May 2018

Detailed photo of a plant’s internal transport highways wins third prize in the DNRF’s photo competition 2018

Seventy-four detailed microscopic images combined to create a full image of a thale cress leaf have won third prize in the Danish National Research Foundation’s…

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3. May 2018

The winning pictures in the DNRF’s photo competition 2018 have been chosen

This year, the Danish National Research Foundation launched a photo competition for the foundation’s grantees, and now the winners have been chosen. Below, you can…

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1. May 2018

10th Application Round for New Centers of Excellence – the call is out

The Danish National Research Foundation hereby invites researchers from all scientific fields to submit outline proposals for new Centers of Excellence which may start operating…

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30. April 2018

Inauguration of PROMEMO – Center for Proteins in Memory

In early April, the DNRF Center for Proteins in Memory officially opened its doors at Aarhus University. During the coming years, the head of center,…

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23. April 2018

Information meetings about DNRFs 10th. application round for Centers of Excellence

Call for proposals will be announced May 1, 2018 Informational meetings regarding the 10th application round will be held at Aalborg University May 1, 11:00-12:30,…

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6. March 2018

Opening Ceremony for CeMiSt – Center for Microbial Secondary Metabolites

February 27 was a clear but frosty day at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), when the opening of the new Center of Excellence CeMiSt…

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