Inauguration of PROMEMO – Center for Proteins in Memory
In early April, the DNRF Center for Proteins in Memory officially opened its doors at Aarhus University. During the coming years, the head of center, Professor Anders Nykjær, together with expert colleagues, will study specific proteins that play an important role in human memory.

Wednesday, April 4, was a day for celebration at the Merete Barker Auditorium at Aarhus University. The auditorium was the site of the official inauguration of the Danish National Research Foundation’s new Center of Excellence, Center for Proteins in Memory (PROMEMO).
The center is funded with 62 million DKK from the DNRF over the next six years, with the possibility of extension for up to ten years. Professor Anders Nykjær will head PROMEMO, where researchers will try to identify precisely which proteins play a role in long-term memory and how these proteins interact. The purpose is to provide a basis for more targeted treatment of diseases related to memory, such as anxiety and depression.

PROMEMO is among others anchored at the Department of Biomedicine at the Faculty of Health at Aarhus University, and the inauguration opened with a short welcome by the head of the department, Professor Thomas G. Nielsen. Then Dean Lars Bo Nielsen emphasized the importance for the faculty and the university of hosting a DNRF Center of Excellence, in particular, because PROMEMO brings together talented researchers from different parts of the university and because the center has also recruited leading researchers from abroad.

Subsequently, Professor Eero Vuorio, a DNRF board member, officially opened PROMEMO. In his opening speech, Vuorio emphasized that PROMEMO’s ambitious research plans can be of great importance for our understanding of memory and how memories are stored. Professor Vuorio ended his speech by wishing PROMEMO great success with its future endeavors.
The final speech was given by head of center Anders Nykjær, who presented a brief overview of the center’s research strategy and perspectives before presenting the center’s partners.
The inaugration was also attended by representatives from the Lundbeck Foundation, which recently supported Anders Nykjærs research with 15 million DKK.
The inauguration was followed by a well-attended reception and a mini-symposium on memory.
Read more about the inauguration and the symposium at PROMEMO’s Website here