What is the DNRF Chair

The DNRF Chair grant

With the overall purpose of strengthening and enriching Danish research communities, the aim of the DNRF Chair grant is to motivate and support Danish universities to attract and recruit particular outstanding researchers from abroad, including Danes wishing to return from an international position.

The objective of the DNRF Chair grant is to support and boost the start-up research activities of potential or newly recruited outstanding tenured professors at Danish universities right from the beginning of their employment.

The foundation welcomes applications within and/or across all research areas: Humanities, Life Sciences, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, and Technical Sciences.

Please note: The five-year period for DNRF Chairs expires in the end of 2024, and the last application deadlines are August 1 and November 1, 2024.There will not be a new call for DNRF Chairs.

For applicants

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