News from the Foundation

Professor Jesper Svejstrup
13. October 2020

Jesper Svejstrup is the first to receive the Danish National Research Foundation’s latest funding instrument: the DNRF Chair

The DNRF Chair is the Danish National Research Foundation’s latest funding instrument. This new funding instrument was launched at the beginning of 2020 with the…

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The image shows a close up of a note book and a pen.
5. October 2020

The Call is out: the DNRF is ready to grant up to 1.2 billion DKK for New Centers of Excellence

The Danish National Research Foundation hereby invites researchers from all scientific fields to submit outline proposals for new Centers of Excellence. The foundation is ready…

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9. September 2020

New book on basic research from the Danish National Research Foundation

The Danish National Research Foundation has published “Fortællinger fra Grundforskningens Grænseland – samtaler med 25 nutidige forskere i Danmark” in collaboration with the Royal Danish…

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Nathalie Wahl til centeråbningen af GeoTop
3. September 2020

Inauguration of Center for Geometry and Topology (GeoTop)

August 27, 2020, was the day for the official opening of the new DNRF Center of Excellence GeoTop, led by Professor Nathalie Wahl from the…

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27. April 2020

Read the DNRF’s Annual Report 2019

The Danish National Research Foundation’s Annual Report 2019 has now been published and can be found below. In the report, you can read about the…

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24. April 2020

A photo of the peeled skeleton of a lab mouse is awarded second prize in the DNRF’s Photo Competition 2020

A brightly colored mouse skeleton without tissue, which has been eaten by an enzyme, is the subject of the photo that has been awarded second…

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24. April 2020

A photo of a young turbot just before it is released into Roskilde Fjord has won the DNRF’s Photo Competition 2020

The first prize in this year’s DNRF Photo Competition goes to a photo of a young turbot, which shortly after the photo was taken, was…

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Øjet af en Isfisk. Foto: Henrik Lauridsen
24. April 2020

A scan of the eye of an Antarctic icefish wins third prize in the DNRF’s Photo Competition 2020

The Antarctic icefish is a distinctive animal with milky white blood and the densest network of blood vessels in the eye’s retina known in any…

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24. April 2020

The winning pictures of the Foundation’s Photo Competition 2020 have been chosen

Photos have the ability to uncover the world of science in a surprising and inviting way, by revealing its beauty and fascinating appeal. The DNRF…

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DNRF logo
12. March 2020

Changed contact information at the DNRF due to the coronavirus

The Danish government has asked everyone to act responsibly in the serious situation with the spread of the coronavirus in Denmark. On the basis of…

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3. February 2020

Other January News in Brief

New research from CellPAT, CeMiSt and Morten Bennedsen; TED talk about the death and birth of stars with Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz; critically acclaimed anthology originates from…

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13. January 2020

Professor Vigdis Broch-Due appointed new member of the DNRF board

Professor Vigdis Broch-Due was recently appointed to the board of the Danish National Research Foundation by the Ministry of Higher Education and Science. Professor Broch-Due…

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10. January 2020

Press release: DNRF Chair – A new instrument to strengthen universities’ ability to recruit

The DNRF Chair is a new instrument aimed at strengthening Danish research environments by recruiting top international researchers from abroad. The Danish National Research Foundation…

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Bestyrelsensformand Jens Kehlet Nørskov og direktør Søren-Peter Olesen
6. January 2020

Other December News in Brief

In this month’s Other News in Brief, you can read about an article on PERSIMUNE in the news media Dagens Medicin, a DNRF debate article…

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Bestyrelsesformand for Danmarks Grundforskningsfond, Jens Kehlet Nørskov, holder oplæg ved fondens årsmøde 2019.
30. November 2019

The DNRF’s Annual Meeting 2019: Transformative Research – How, What and Why?

The DNRF recently held its annual meeting 2019. This year’s theme was transformative research. The journey to transformative discoveries and how research policy actors and…

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