News from the Foundation

17. January 2018

Inauguration of Center for Macroscopic Quantum States (BigQ)

The Danish National Research Foundation will invest 63 million DKK in Professor Ulrik Lund Andersen’s exploration of the boundaries between classical physics and the marvelous…

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11. December 2017

Inauguration of Center for Electromicrobiology headed by professor Lars Peter Nielsen

Professor Lars Peter Nielsen has received a grant from the Danish National Research Foundation to establish the Center for Electromicrobiology hosted by Aarhus University. The…

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Photo. European Research Councel
5. December 2017

Eight researchers affiliated with the DNRF get ERC Consolidator Grants

It was recently announced that ten Danish researchers have been awarded the ERC Consolidator Grant 2017. Eight out of the ten grants are given to…

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Photo: CEBI
5. December 2017

Inauguration of the Center for Economic Behavior and Inequality (CEBI) headed by Professor Claus Thustrup Kreiner

The Department of Economics at the University of Copenhagen hosted an event on November 29, to mark the official opening of the Center for Economic…

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Photo: Center for Functional Genomics and Tissue Plasticity (ATLAS)
20. November 2017

Inauguration of the Center for Functional Genomics and Tissue Plasticity (ATLAS) headed by Professor Susanne Mandrup

The official opening of the Center for Functional Genomics and Tissue Plasticity (ATLAS) took place on November 6, 2017 at the University of Southern Denmark.…

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9. November 2017

Inauguration of the Center for Privacy Studies (PRIVACY) headed by Professor Mette Birkedal Bruun

The new Center for Privacy Studies was celebrated with speeches, a reception, and a tour of the newly established office space at the University of…

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7. November 2017

Opening of Center for Cellular Signal Patterns headed by head of center Jørgen Kjems

On Wednesday, November 1, the kick-off of the new Center for Cellular Signal Patterns (CellPAT) took place, which is one of 10 new centers that…

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Photo: DG
7. November 2017

Open Access to Data – the DNRF annual meeting 2017

On November 3, the Danish National Research Foundation held its annual meeting for research political stakeholders and DNRF grantees. The topic for the meeting was…

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16. October 2017

The DNRF puts talent development in the spotlight

The DNRF and the Carlsberg Foundation together arranged a networking meeting for research funders and research councils in Denmark on October 11. Under the headline,…

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Photo: Liselotte Hoejgaard
27. April 2017

Professor and Chair Liselotte Højgaard in committee behind new report about medicin of the future

For the past two years, Professor and Chair Liselotte Højgaard has been part of a committee commissioned by the President of France, François Hollande, to…

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19. April 2017

The Danish National Research Foundation’s ten new Centers of Excellence

The foundation has decided to initiate contract negotiations to establish the new Centers of Excellence with: Ulrik Lund Andersen, Technical University of Denmark, for the…

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2. February 2017

Here are the six new Niels Bohr Professors

The following six highly recognized researchers have been invited to contract negotiations with the DNRF: Niels Bohr Professor: Rita Felski, University of Virginia Uses of Literature:…

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