5. December 2017

Eight researchers affiliated with the DNRF get ERC Consolidator Grants

It was recently announced that ten Danish researchers have been awarded the ERC Consolidator Grant 2017. Eight out of the ten grants are given to researchers that are currently or previously have been affiliated with a DNRF Center of Excellence.

The eight researchers to get the prestigious ERC grant are:

  • Michael Thomas-Poulsen, KU – Center for Social Evolution
  • Jan Haerter, KU – Center for Models of Life
  • Stephan Sylves Keller, DTU – Center for Intelligent Oral Drug Delivery Using Nano And Microfabricated Containers
  • Riikka Rinnan, KU – Center for Permafrost
  • Kristian Thygesen, DTU – Center for Nanostructured Graphene (CNG)
  • Nathalie Wahl, KU – Center for Symmetry and Deformation
  • Hans Wandall, KU – Center for Glycomics
  • Darko Zibar, DTU – Center for Silicon Photonics for Optical Communication

Read more about the ERC Consolidator Grant here

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