The Danish National Research Foundation’s ten new Centers of Excellence
The foundation has decided to initiate contract negotiations to establish the new Centers of Excellence with:
Ulrik Lund Andersen, Technical University of Denmark, for the Center for Macroscopic Quantum States (BigQ). The foundation is prepared to grant up to DKK 63 million.
Tel.: +45 2985 6067 / e-mail:
Read more via the Technical University of Denmark
Mette Birkedal Bruun, University of Copenhagen, for the Centre for Privacy Studies (PRIVACY). The foundation is prepared to grant up to DKK 50 million.
Tel.: +45 3532 3787 / e-mail:
See more via University of Copenhagen
Lone Gram, Technical University of Denmark, for the Center of Excellence for Microbial Secondary Metabolites (CEMiSt). The foundation is prepared to grant up to DKK 58 million.
Tel.: +45 2368 8295 / e-mail:
Read more via the Technical University of Denmark
Jørgen Kjems, Aarhus University, til the Center for Cellular Signal Patterns (CellPAT). The foundation is prepared to grant up to DKK 61 million.
Tel.: +45 2899 2086 / e-mail:
Claus Thustrup Kreiner, University of Copenhagen, for the Center for Economic Behavior and Inequality (CEBI). The foundation is prepared to grant up to DKK 57 million.
Tel.: +45 3070 5025 / e-mail:
Peter Lodahl, University of Copenhagen, for the Center for Hybrid Quantum Networks (Hy-Q). The foundation is prepared to grant up to DKK 62 million.
Tel.: +45 2056 5303 / e-mail:
Susanne Mandrup, University of Southern Denmark, for the Center for Functional Genomics and Tissue Plasticity (ATLAS). The foundation is prepared to grant up to DKK 65 million.
Tel.: +45 6011 2340 / e-mail:
Lars Peter Nielsen, Aarhus University, for the Center for Electromicrobiology (CEM). The foundation is prepared to grant up to DKK 56 million.
Tel.: +45 6020 2654 / e-mail:
Anders Nykjær, Aarhus Universitet, for the Center for Proteins in Memory (PROMEMO). The foundation is prepared to grant up to DKK 62 million.
Tel.: +45 2899 2384 / e-mail:
Sune Toft, University of Copenhagen, for the Cosmic Dawn Centre (DAWN). The foundation is prepared to grant up to DKK 66 million.
Tel.: +45 61680930 / e-mail:
See more via the Niels Bohr Institute