Other September News in Brief
Three heads of center participate in Science Stories’ podcast; Head of center Rubina Raja from UrbNet publishes “The Archaeology of Seasonality”; Two research news items from ATLAS; New book from PRIVACY on its way; DAWN discovers six dead galaxies from the early universe in a collaboration with an international research team; and SPOC creates a photonic quantum processor. All this in the DNRF’s Other September News in Brief here.
Three heads of center participate in Science Stories’ podcast:
Professor Karsten Flensberg from QDev
At the beginning of the month, Professor Karsten Flensberg from the Center of Excellence Center for Quantum Devices (QDev) at the University of Copenhagen was interviewed by the science journalist Jens Degett for a podcast in Science Stories. Among other things, quantum computers are discussed. The listener will learn more about what challenges still lie ahead before these computers will be found in the homes of ordinary people and also where in the development phase we are right now.
You can listen to the podcast with Professor Flensberg here
Professor David Lando from FRIC
Halfway through September, Professor David Lando, from the Center of Excellence Center for Financial Frictions (FRIC) at the Copenhagen Business School, was invited in for a talk about money in Science Stories’ podcast. This time, the science in the money system is discussed, as Professor Lando, among other things, talks about the function of cash flow in our society.
You can listen to the podcast with Professor Lando here
Professor Lone Gram from CeMiSt
At the end of the month, Professor Lone Gram, from the Center of Excellence Center for Microbial Secondary Metabolites (CeMiSt) at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), was interviewed by Degett. Among other things, Professor Gram talks about microorganisms and how they affect other organisms. She also talks about how there is a social aspect to microorganisms as a certain type of communication across the organisms exists.
You can listen to the podcast with Professor Gram here
Head of center Rubina Raja from UrbNet publishes “The Archaeology of Seasonality”
Professor and head of center Rubina Raja, from the Center of Excellence UrbNet at Aarhus University, has published the book “The Archaeology of Seasonality,” which is Volume 11 in the “Studies in Classical Archaeology” series. The book, which was co-edited with Professor Achim Lichtenberger from Westfälische Wilhelms–Universität Münster in Germany, stems from a conference that was held by the two professors back in October 2019 at the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters.
Read more about “The Archaeology of Seasonality” at UrbNet here
Buy “The Archaeology of Seasonality” here
Two research news items from ATLAS:
Professor Aleksander Krag is appointed Vice-Secretary in the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL)
Professor Aleksander Krag is the first Dane to be appointed as Vice-Secretary in the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL). He is a clinical partner in the Center of Excellence ATLAS at the Southern University of Denmark (SDU) and researches diseases of the liver. “My aim is always to have the patient in focus. The research must benefit the patient,” said Professor Krag in reference to the appointment.
Read more about Professor Krag’s new title here
Head of center Susanne Mandrup contributes material to the Ministry of Children and Education
There is more news from ATLAS this month. Head of center Susanne Mandrup has contributed educational material to the Ministry of Children and Education, which means that, in the future, students will be able to read about her research on fat cells, genes, and DNA in the course Natural Science. The material is an introduction to the subjects of her research, which Professor Mandrup hopes will help increase interest in the field of molecular biology.
New book from PRIVACY on its way
Professor and head of center Mette Birkedal Bruun, from the Center of Excellence PRIVACY at the University of Copenhagen, in collaboration with her PRIVACY colleague Assistant Professor Lars Cyril Nørgaard and Professor Michaël Green from Lodz Universitet in Poland, has edited a collection of essays “Early Modern Privacy: Sources and Approaches,” which will be published on November, 18, 2021. The book challenges the idea that privacy is a modern phenomenon through a close examination of instances of early modern privacy.
You can read more about “Early Modern Privacy: Sources and Approaches” here
More information about PRIVACY here
DAWN discovers six dead galaxies from the early universe in a collaboration with an international research team
Six galaxies from the early universe ran out of gas and therefore “died,” an event that has garnered widespread attention, since galaxies from the early universe are normally filled with gas. The Center of Excellence DAWN at the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen and DTU Space are part of the international research team that discovered this. The next step will be for the researchers to find out how and why the galaxies died. The study has been published in the scientific journal Nature.
Read the scientific article in Nature here
More information about the study at KU here
Read more about the study at Videnskab.dk here
SPOC creates photonic quantum processor
A new photonic quantum processor has been created by the Center of Excellence Center for Silicon Photonics for Optical Communication (SPOC) at DTU through an international collaboration. It is the largest and most complex photonic quantum processor created so far. Its purpose is to process quantum information while protecting itself from errors by using so-called “entanglements.” The study has been published in the scientific journal Nature Physics.