
Professor Serge Belongie
18. October 2021

Agreement ready for Pioneer Center for Artificial Intelligence

The agreement on the first of the 3-4 planned Pioneer Centers has now been approved by the five financing foundations and by the five universities…

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14. October 2021

CEBI examines the relationship between money and vaccinations

What would happen if you offered citizens money to get vaccinated? This is exactly what the Center of Excellence Center for Economic Behavior and Inequality…

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Collage med fotos fra konkurrence 2022
14. October 2021

The DNRF Photo Competition 2022 – Submission is closed

The Danish National Research Foundation invites, for the fifth time, the Danish scientific community to submit their best photos for the foundation’s Photo Competition 2022. You…

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Professor Anders Johansen.
1. October 2021

New DNRF Chair grant for KU with the origin of life in focus

The University of Copenhagen has received another of the Danish National Research Foundation’s latest funding instrument, the DNRF Chair, with Professor Anders Johansen at the…

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Confocal micrograph of Bacillus subtilis.
30. September 2021

Other September News in Brief

Three heads of center participate in Science Stories’ podcast; Head of center Rubina Raja from UrbNet publishes “The Archaeology of Seasonality”; Two research news items from…

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Professor Stig Helveg
21. September 2021

VISION marks Center of Excellence with inaugural lecture by Professor Stig Helveg

At the end of last week, one of the DNRF’s newest Centers of Excellence, the Center for Visualizing Catalytic Processes (VISION), could finally officially celebrate…

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Billedet illustrerer, hvordan tyngdekraften fra galaksehoben MACS J0138 krummer rummet, sådan at lyset fra en bagvedliggende galakse afbøjes ned til os på flere forskellige måder.
14. September 2021

Galactic repeat moves DAWN closer to the expansion of the universe

Scientists predict that a supernova will be seen for a fourth time in 2037, an event that may confirm researchers’ theory about gravity and bring…

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Fra venstre: bestyrelsesformand i Carlsbergfondet Flemming Besenbacher, uddannelses- og forskningsminister Jesper Petersen, professor Dorthe Berntsen, HKH Kronprinsessen, professor Eske Willerslev og præsident i Videnskabernes Selskab Marie Louise Nosch.
9. September 2021

Two researchers with a connection to the DNRF receive the Carlsberg Foundation Research Prize 2021

Professor Dorthe Berntsen from the Center on Autobiographical Memory Research (CON AMORE) at Aarhus University and Professor Eske Willerslev from the Center for GeoGenetics (CGG)…

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Billede af DG's publikation "Nysgerrighed beriger samfundet" i trykt format.
1. September 2021

DNRF publication highlights research’s usefulness to society from a new perspective

Does society benefit when its country’s smartest citizens spend many years, and often a lot of money, going down new roads in search of understanding…

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Billede fra "Vin og Videnskab" efterårsprogram 2021
31. August 2021

Other August News in Brief

Four researchers associated with the DNRF are participating in “Wine and Science” Autumn 2021; Professor Mikael Rask Madsen from iCourts publishes new book; New study from MIB examines the…

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DK: Officiel åbning af Center for Molecular Prediction of Inflammatory Bowel Disease - PREDICT i København. Centret ligger under Klinisk Institut ved Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet på Aalborg Universitet.

30. August 2021

Inauguration of PREDICT – Center for Molecular Prediction of Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Friday, August 27, 2021, was the day of the official opening of the DNRF center PREDICT, led by Professor Tine Jess at Aalborg University. The…

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Illustration i 3D af atomer i bevægelser.
24. August 2021

VISION contributes to new groundbreaking method for visualization of atomic movements

A combination of experimental measurements and mathematical modelings has led to a new method that makes it possible to visualize atoms in movement. Professor and…

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Kunstners udlægning af lokaliseringen af det korte radioglimt FRB180916B til dens værtsgalakse.
20. August 2021

Post-doc Kasper Heintz from DAWN to study radio bursts at the Very Large Telescope

Currently, there isn’t an in-depth explanation of the so-called “fast radio bursts” that only last milliseconds. Kasper Heintz, a post-doc at the DNRF’s Center of…

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11. August 2021

MIB finds correlation between music and Covid-19 coping

Covid-19 has, among other things, created the new so-called “coronamusic” genre. The name refers to music that was created as a response to Covid-19, such…

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Woman with baby
4. August 2021

Press release from CCS: Researchers identify new genes linked to longer reproductive lifespan in women

PRESS RELEASE: The age at which women go through menopause is critical for fertility and impacts healthy ageing in women, but reproductive ageing has been…

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