
1. February 2018

PERSIMUNE investigates how patients with septic shock reacts to induced hypotermia

In a comprehensive study, researchers from the DNRF center PERSIMUNE, together with colleagues, have investigated whether induced hypothermia has an effect on organ failure and…

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31. January 2018

Top researcher and former head of DNRF center returns to Denmark and DTU

Jens Kehlet Nørskov is a former Center of Excellence director at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and internationally recognized for his research within catalysis…

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Professor Susanne Mandrup.
29. January 2018

A new super tool for genetic analysis has arrived at a DNRF center

Susanne Mandrup, head of the DNRF center ATLAS, has a new state-of-the-art tool available for her genetic research related to obesity. The new instrument makes…

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29. January 2018

Head of center is behind new approach to fundamental particle physics

Professor of Theoretical Physics and Head of the DNRF center CP3-Origins, Francesco Sannino, together with colleagues, has developed a new theoretical approach to fundamental particle…

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26. January 2018

Can music remedy sleep problems?

In mid-January, Kira Vibe Jespersen defended her Ph.D. thesis at the Center for Music in the Brain. The thesis examined whether music could be a…

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23. January 2018

Nikolaj Scharff discovers 18 new pelican spider species in Madagascar

The East African island of Madagascar is world renowned for its incredible biodiversity. The island is home to about 5 percent of the world’s animal…

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19. January 2018

Peter Vuust tells about music education and brain research on conference in Aarhus

Brain research and music education were on the agenda when the head of the Center for Music in the Brain (MIB), Professor Peter Vuust, spoke…

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17. January 2018

Inauguration of Center for Macroscopic Quantum States (BigQ)

The Danish National Research Foundation will invest 63 million DKK in Professor Ulrik Lund Andersen’s exploration of the boundaries between classical physics and the marvelous…

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12. January 2018

Eske Willerslev rewrites American immigration history with groundbreaking discovery in Alaska

An international research team led by Eske Willerslev recently made a discovery that affects world history as we know it. The findings were reported in…

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29. December 2017

HYPERMAG creates groundbreaking technology for evaluating cancer treatment

Center for Hyperpolarisation in Magnetic Resonance (HYPERMAG) got quite the Christmas gift this year; just before the holidays, the Medicines Agency allowed trials with hyperpolarised…

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28. December 2017

Precision medicine and bioinformatics with 320 mph: When data sharing increases the understanding of diseases

Today, doctors have access to massive amounts of data. These data can be used to target medical treatment to a single patient’s needs; however, the…

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22. December 2017

Niels Bohr Professor John McGrath receives the Erik Strömgren medal

Research into brain development and schizophrenia has led to international acclaim for Niels Bohr Professor, John McGrath. The British professor received the Erik Strömgren Medal…

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Photo: Center for Permafrost (CENPERM)
21. December 2017

Head of Center Bo Elberling receives the Hans Egede Medal

At a ceremony on December 14, 2017, Head of Center and professor of Soil Geography and Geochemistry, Bo Elberling, received the Hans Egede Medal for…

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11. December 2017

Inauguration of Center for Electromicrobiology headed by professor Lars Peter Nielsen

Professor Lars Peter Nielsen has received a grant from the Danish National Research Foundation to establish the Center for Electromicrobiology hosted by Aarhus University. The…

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Photo. European Research Councel
5. December 2017

Eight researchers affiliated with the DNRF get ERC Consolidator Grants

It was recently announced that ten Danish researchers have been awarded the ERC Consolidator Grant 2017. Eight out of the ten grants are given to…

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