
Riikka Rinnan EliteForsk 2020
27. February 2020

Riikka Rinnan from CENPERM receives one of the Elite Research Prizes 2020

Professor Riikka Rinnan, from the Center of Excellence CENPERM at the University of Copenhagen, is among this year’s five winners of the Ministry of Higher…

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The picture shows two small containers with so-called CI-chondrites, which is a group of stone meteorites that ostensibly should be the closest one can get to the material of our solar system.
25. February 2020

Discovery from previous DNRF center breaks theory about formation of the Earth

With a special stone meteorite, researchers from the research center STARPLAN at the University of Copenhagen have shown that the Earth formed much faster than…

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James Webb Teleskopet.
18. February 2020

DAWN: The core of the biggest galaxies was formed 1.5 billion years after the Big Bang

An international research team, including researchers from the Center of Excellence Cosmic Dawn Center (DAWN) at the Space Division at the Technical University of Denmark and…

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Professor Kringelbach
11. February 2020

Professor Morten Kringelbach will lead a new interdisciplinary center at the Queen’s College, Oxford

Professor Morten Kringelbach has been appointed Erel Shalit Carlsberg Foundation Senior Research Fellow at the Queen’s College in Oxford. With the special professorship, Kringelbach will…

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3. February 2020

Other January News in Brief

New research from CellPAT, CeMiSt and Morten Bennedsen; TED talk about the death and birth of stars with Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz; critically acclaimed anthology originates from…

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Mikroskopi-billede af lysosomer.
28. January 2020

CARD researchers rewrite the textbooks; discover hidden mechanism in cell division

With a newly developed technique, researchers from the DNRF Center of Excellence CARD at the Danish Cancer Society have discovered a hitherto unknown mechanism during…

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Vulkanen Chimborazo illustreret af opdagelsesrejsende og videnskabsmand Alexander von Humboldt.
22. January 2020

The DNRF is well represented in Ingeniøren’s ‘Videnskabens Top-5’ 2019

Each year since 2004, science editor Jens Ramskov and science journalist Rolf Haugaard from the Danish weekly newspaper Ingeniøren have chosen the five best Danish…

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The image shows the quantum network developed by the research team from DTU and the University of Copenhagen.
20. January 2020

bigQ ensures accurate measurements of multiple objects at once by using a quantum network

Researchers from the Center of Excellence bigQ at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) used quantum networks to measure multiple objects at the same time.…

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Billedet viser to galakser, der begge ligner Mælkevejen, men som befinder sig i stjernebilledet Store Hund. I løbet af et par milliarder år vil de to galakser fusionere til en stor galakse. Nogenlunde ligesådan kan det have set ud, da Mælkevejen og Gaia-Enceladus kolliderede for godt 11 milliarder år siden. Foto: ESO.
15. January 2020

New study from SAC: Oscillations from an old star reveal galactic collision

A new study of stellar oscillations from an old star reveals that the Milky Way collided with a dwarf galaxy about 11 billion years ago.…

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13. January 2020

Professor Vigdis Broch-Due appointed new member of the DNRF board

Professor Vigdis Broch-Due was recently appointed to the board of the Danish National Research Foundation by the Ministry of Higher Education and Science. Professor Broch-Due…

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10. January 2020

Press release: DNRF Chair – A new instrument to strengthen universities’ ability to recruit

The DNRF Chair is a new instrument aimed at strengthening Danish research environments by recruiting top international researchers from abroad. The Danish National Research Foundation…

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Bestyrelsensformand Jens Kehlet Nørskov og direktør Søren-Peter Olesen
6. January 2020

Other December News in Brief

In this month’s Other News in Brief, you can read about an article on PERSIMUNE in the news media Dagens Medicin, a DNRF debate article…

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31. December 2019

IDUN researchers have developed a new method to access advanced microscopy at a lower cost

Researchers from the research center IDUN at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) have developed a new, unique method for characterizing materials and their properties.…

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En kunstnerisk fremstilling af, hvordan glaksen MAMBO-9 ville se ud i synligt lys. Galaksen er meget støvet og mange stjerner er forsat under dannelse.
16. December 2019

Astronomers discover a giant star-forming galaxy from the childhood of the universe

An international research team has discovered a distant, dusty, and very star-forming galaxy 13 billion light-years away. That makes the galaxy the farthest known of…

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Måleudstyr på Arktis
30. November 2019

Other November News in Brief

Two researchers connected to the DNRF are among the Independent Research Fund Denmark’s 35 new Sapere Aude Research Leaders; a new study from CCG about…

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