
Confocal micrograph of Bacillus subtilis.
30. September 2021

Other September News in Brief

Three heads of center participate in Science Stories’ podcast; Head of center Rubina Raja from UrbNet publishes “The Archaeology of Seasonality”; Two research news items from…

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Billede af DG's publikation "Nysgerrighed beriger samfundet" i trykt format.
1. September 2021

DNRF publication highlights research’s usefulness to society from a new perspective

Does society benefit when its country’s smartest citizens spend many years, and often a lot of money, going down new roads in search of understanding…

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31. May 2021

Other May News in Brief

US Secretary of State visits QDev; Professor Anne Marie Mai from Rita Felski’s Professorship elected as new board member of the Velux Foundations; New study from John McGrath’s…

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Anasua Chatterjee og Morten Kjærgaard. Foto: Ola J. Joensen, Niels Bohr Institutet
15. March 2021

Anasua Chatterjee and Morten Kjærgaard from QDev are on Berlingske’s Talent 100 list

Assistant Professor Anasua Chatterjee and Assistant Professor Morten Kjærgaard from the Center of Excellence QDev at the University of Copenhagen are on Berlingske’s Talent 100…

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Adjunkt Morten Kjærgaard. Foto: Københavns Universitet
4. February 2021

Assistant Professor Morten Kjærgaard from QDev receives a Villum Young Investigator grant

Assistant Professor Morten Kjærgaard from the DNRF’s Center for Quantum Devices (QDev) at the University of Copenhagen has received a Villum Young Investigator grant. The…

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Charles Marcus
30. September 2020

Quantum computing will be the next tech revolution: scientist to be honoured with the H.C. Ørsted Gold Medal

PRESS RELEASE: The Society for the Dissemination of Natural Science is awarding an H.C. Ørsted Gold Medal in physics to Professor Charles Marcus. His research…

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Billedet viser
23. September 2020

Two Centers of Excellence receives a large grant for the development of quantum simulators

One of quantum technology’s biggest investments, the quantum computer, is expected to be able to solve complex problems in a wide range of disciplines, including…

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Postdoc Peter Ouma Okeyo.
31. March 2020

Other March News in Brief

Jørgen Kjems has received DKK 25 million of the Carlsberg Foundation for Corona Research; Peter Ouma Okeyo of IDUN is behind a method for characterizing…

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Photo of viking swords. Photo: Lennart Larsen/National Museum of Denmark
29. February 2020

February News in Brief

A new study from MIB explains our ability to reproduce music and language; a new book by Professor MSO Søren M. Sindbæk from UrbNet examines…

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21. October 2019

Two ERC Synergy Grants to researchers with a connection to the DNRF

Two research teams with a connection to the Danish National Research Foundation are among five recipients from Denmark of this year’s  Synergy Grants from the…

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The picture shows the quantum chip developed by the young researchers at QDev.
27. May 2019

Young researchers from QDev have created a promising component for future quantum computers

Two young researchers from the DNRF’s Center for Quantum Devices (QDev), post-doc Antonio Fornieri and Ph.D. student Alex Whiticar, are leading an international study and…

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