22. December 2021

Other December News in Brief

Two research items from IDUN; PROMEMO plans conference about ‘Our fascinating brain’; DAWN finds new method to examine star-forming gas; Three from Rita Felski’s Professorship receive grants…

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15. June 2021

Professor Poul Nissen from PROMEMO is awarded the Anders Jahre Medical Prize 2021

An understanding of the structure and function of the membrane proteins is crucial for the treatment of diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and psychiatric…

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’Sortilin gates neurotensin and BDNF signalling to control peripheral neuropathic pain.
5. July 2019

Studies in laboratory mice awaken hope for efficient treatment of chronic pain

The protein sortilin plays an essential role in pain development in laboratory mice. This is shown in a new study that was recently published in…

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5. September 2018

Former head of center Poul Nissen receives the Carlsberg Foundation Research Prize 2018

The Carlsberg Foundation recently awarded its Research Prizes 2018, and one of this year’s recipients is Professor Poul Nissen, the former head of the DNRF…

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30. April 2018

Inauguration of PROMEMO – Center for Proteins in Memory

In early April, the DNRF Center for Proteins in Memory officially opened its doors at Aarhus University. During the coming years, the head of center,…

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28. February 2018

DNRF head of center receives 15 million DKK from the Lundbeck Foundation for his research on memory

Brain scientist and head of center at the DNRF’s Center for Proteins in Memory (PROMEMO), Anders Nykjær, has just received a grant of 15 million…

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