Other April News in Brief
A research project from CNAP will map COVID-19 symptoms; Mette Birkedal Bruun is a new member of the Danish Council for Research and Innovation Policy; Jens Lundgren is interviewed in “24 Questions to the Professor”; researchers with a connection to the DNRF celebrate H.M. the Queen with contributions to a special publication from the Royal Academy; research from CEBI is forthcoming in JEEA, and Hy-Q-researchers are one step closer to solving the challenge of separated quantum computers. All this in the DNRF Other April News in Brief here.
A research project from CNAP maps Covid-19 symptoms
Associate Professor Shellie Boudreau of the DNRF center CNAP at Aalborg University is leading a research project called C19 SYMMAPS, which aims to collect and map new information on COVID-19 symptoms in the Danish population, including pain manifestations and distribution over time. Everyone can participate, whether or not they have symptoms of coronavirus, and all data is anonymized.
Read more about the project C19 SYMMAPS from Boudreau from CNAP here
Mette Birkedal Bruun is a new member of the Danish Council for Research and Innovation Policy
The Danish Council for Research and Innovation Policy has a new chairman and four new members, including Professor Mette Birkedal Bruun, who is the center manager of the PRIVACY basic research center at the University of Copenhagen. The new chairman, Frede Blaabjerg from Aalborg University, Professor Bruun, and the other three new members — Professor and Center Manager Jes Broeng from the Technical University of Denmark, Professor MSO Kristine Niss from Roskilde University, and Research Director Christina Aabo from Ørsted — were all appointed by the Minister of Education and Research and started their work on April 1, 2020.
Jens Lundgren in 24 Questions to the Professor
Professor Jens Lundgren, who is the head of the DNRF’s Center for Precision Medication for Infectious Immunodeficiency (PERSIMUNE) at the National Hospital, has participated in Weekendavisen’s podcast “24 Questions for the Professor” in a special broadcast focusing on COVID-19. In the broadcast, Professor Lundgren is interviewed by Lone Frank on corona research at Rigshospitalet, as part of a series of specialized coronavirus broadcasts, with the overall aim of elucidating the pandemic and its consequences from different angles.
Researchers affiliated with the DNRF pay tribute to H.M. the Queen with contributions to a special edition from The Royal Academy
On the occasion of H.M. the Queen Margrethe II’s 80th birthday on April 16, 2020, the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters published a book on the beauty of research as a gift to H. M. the Queen. The book provides an insight into the work of 16 current top Danish researchers, including researchers with a connection to the DNRF. Among these contributors are Professor Barbara Halkier, head of center at DynaMo at the University of Copenhagen, and Professor Bo Elberling, head of center at CENPERM at the University of Copenhagen. In addition, the DNRF’s CEO Søren-Peter Olesen, and a former center manager, as well as several other former heads of centers of a DNRF-funded research center have also contributed to the release.
Read more about the publication from the Society of Sciences (in Danish) here
Research from CEBI on the way in the scientific journal JEEA
Søren Leth-Petersen, vice-center manager at the CEBI basic research center at the University of Copenhagen, is working with Henrik Yde Andersen of the National Bank of Denmark on a working paper on house prices and expenses, which will be published in the Journal of the European Economic Association (JEEA). House prices and expenses follow a common pattern of movement, but little is known about the underlying mechanism that links the two. In an attempt to make this clearer, Leth-Petersen and Andersen will develop a test that can distinguish between the hypothesis of a so-called housing wealth effect and a security effect.
Read more about the working paper in a press release from CEBI here
A vibrating membrane helps Hy-Q scientists solve the challenge of separate quantum computers
Complex quantum systems can be correlated with each other by so-called entanglement. Entanglement is an important tool for connecting future quantum computers but has long been a challenge. Researchers from the DNRF Center of Excellence Hy-Q at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, have recently succeeded in fusing two laser beams and creating entanglement between optical light and microwaves using a special membrane made of silicon nitride. The group’s work represents a new way of entanglement, and the result can potentially be part of the solution for connecting two separate quantum computers. The result was recently published in the scientific journal Nature Communications.
Read the scientific article in Nature Communications here
More information can be found in press release from the Niels Bohr Institute