
Professor Tine Jess.
10. February 2021

Press release: New Center of Excellence on Inflammatory Bowel Diseases at Aalborg University

Press release: The Faculty of Medicine at Aalborg University and the Danish National Research Foundation are establishing a National Center of Excellence for research on…

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Illustration af kvanteteknologi.
9. February 2021

New technology from bigQ protects against cyberattacks

Random numbers chosen for passwords aren’t always as random as one would think. Therefore, a new device has been developed to ensure that hackers won’t…

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Adjunkt Morten Kjærgaard. Foto: Københavns Universitet
4. February 2021

Assistant Professor Morten Kjærgaard from QDev receives a Villum Young Investigator grant

Assistant Professor Morten Kjærgaard from the DNRF’s Center for Quantum Devices (QDev) at the University of Copenhagen has received a Villum Young Investigator grant. The…

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Eksempel på forhold mellem mus, fedme og celleforandringer
29. January 2021

Other January News in Brief

New EU-financed project from CML; New study from ATLAS explores the link between obesity and cell changes in mice; New project “HappyFish” from CEH; Two…

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En kunstners fortolknings af ID2299 galaksen.
26. January 2021

Three research news from DAWN: New study captures a “dying” galaxy; two researchers receive grants from the Carlsberg Foundation; and a new study uses gravity as a telescope

Up until now, it was unknown what triggers the process of a dying galaxy. But Assistant Professor Francesco Valentino, from the DNRF’s Cosmic Dawn Center…

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Professor Vivek Shende
25. January 2021

Vivek Shende is the fourth researcher to receive the Danish National Research Foundation’s latest funding instrument: The DNRF Chair

Professor Vivek Shende from the University of California, Berkeley is the fourth researcher to receive the Danish National Research Foundation’s latest funding instrument: the DNRF…

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Professor Lasse Heje Pedersen.
20. January 2021

Lasse Heje Pedersen from FRIC is awarded the Ross Prize

Professor Lasse Heje Pedersen from the Center of Excellence FRIC at the Copenhagen Business School has been awarded the prestigious Ross Prize for the most…

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Professor Staffan Persson.
20. January 2021

Staffan Persson is the third researcher to receive the Danish National Research Foundation’s latest funding instrument: The DNRF Chair

The DNRF Chair is the Danish National Research Foundation’s latest funding instrument. This new funding instrument was launched at the beginning of 2020 with the…

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Billede af forsiden til seminaret.
19. January 2021

New virtual seminar about fermentology from CEH

A new online “Fermentology Seminar Series” offers mini-talks and live Q&As about the ecology, evolution, and culture behind your daily fermented foods. The series is…

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Professor Peter Jørgensen.
7. January 2021

Professor Peter Jørgensen receives the Danish National Research Foundation’s latest funding instrument: The DNRF Chair

At the beginning of 2020, the Danish National Research Foundation’s launched its latest funding instrument, the DNRF Chair, with the overall purpose of strengthening Danish…

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Billede af universet
28. December 2020

Other December News in Brief

Researchers from CeMist develop new biosensor; Ph.D. student from IDUN receives award;  Big breakthrough from Hy-Q with new quantum science; Two members of the DNRF’s Niels Bohr…

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Japansk forsidebillede til ”Finn Foton og kvantefysikken.”
28. December 2020

BigQ publishes a climate-based edition of the Finn Foton book series and makes a deal with Japan regarding the first book in the series

Professor Ulrich Busk Hoff from the Center of Excellence bigQ has published the scientific children’s book “Finn Foton and the oceans’ climate fight” in a…

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Professor Jørgen Kjems.
22. December 2020

Head of center Jørgen Kjems from CellPat at the forefront of new, innovative project from ODIN

Head of center Jørgen Kjems, from the Center of Excellence CellPat at Aarhus University, is at the forefront of one of the five new research…

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Fra venstre: Ph.d. Jakob Povl Holck, Ph.d. René Lynge Eriksen, professor Christian Høgel, forskningsbibliotekar Mogens Kragsig Jensen og professor Aglae Pizzone.
16. December 2020

Christian Høgel and Aglae Pizzone from CML awarded Carlsberg Infrastructure Grant

Professor Christian Høgel and Professor Aglae Pizzone from the Center of Excellence CML at the University of Southern Denmark have been awarded a Carlsberg infrastructure…

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Centerleder Claus Thustrup Kreiner fra CEBI.
14. December 2020

Professor Claus Thustrup Kreiner receives the Richard Musgrave Visiting Professorship 2020

Professor and Head of Center Claus Thustrup Kreiner, from the Center of Excellence CEBI at the University of Copenhagen, has been awarded the prestigious Richard…

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