
10. April 2018

26 meteorites give us new information on the birth of the Earth and the moon

In a new study recently published in Nature, researchers from STARPLAN explains how the connection between the planets’ different chemical composition and their respective size…

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3. April 2018

Mette Birkedal Bruun receives Tagea Brandt travel grant

Head of Center Mette Birkedal Bruun, from the Centre for Privacy Studies (PRIVACY) at the University of Copenhagen, together with author Naja Marie Aidt, received…

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26. March 2018

Video lecture: Head of center Susanne Mandrup talks about her research on fat cells and genes

In a video below, you can watch Susanne Mandrup, head of center at the recently launched DNRF center ATLAS, talk about her research on fat…

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23. March 2018

New research from CEBI on gender pay gap receive worldwide media attention

Research results from CEBI received great media attention worldwide when the research showed how women’s yearly earnings drop significantly after their first child is born.…

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Photo: SPOC
23. March 2018

SPOC develops new chip to process quantum information with hitherto unseen speed

Researchers from SPOC are part of an international research team behind a chip that can process quantum information with hitherto unseen speed. The result can…

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22. March 2018

Head of center collaborates with NASA on upcoming launch of new space telescope

Next month, NASA’s TESS telescope will be sent into space to look for unknown exoplanets and observe the nearest stars. Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard from SAC heads…

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13. March 2018

Volcanic swamps on Iceland are a microbiological war zone

Researchers have discovered an anti CRISPR-protein for the first time in the constant battle between microorganisms in boiling hot pools on Iceland. Professor Xu Peng…

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12. March 2018

New research from CGG: Vampire bats, genetics and microbes

Researchers from the Center for GeoGenetics have studied vampire bats with a hologenomic approach, looking at the relationship between the animal’s genes and microbiota. This…

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9. March 2018

Vaccine awakens the immune system and is likely to protect against more diseases

Researchers have recently published a new study that shows how vaccinations against tuberculosis also provide protection against other diseases, such as yellow fever. New research…

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6. March 2018

The Elite Research Prizes 2018 honor basic research

Two researchers associated with the Danish National Research Foundation were among the recipients of this year’s five Elite Research Prizes, all of which were awarded…

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6. March 2018

Opening Ceremony for CeMiSt – Center for Microbial Secondary Metabolites

February 27 was a clear but frosty day at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), when the opening of the new Center of Excellence CeMiSt…

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28. February 2018

DNRF head of center receives 15 million DKK from the Lundbeck Foundation for his research on memory

Brain scientist and head of center at the DNRF’s Center for Proteins in Memory (PROMEMO), Anders Nykjær, has just received a grant of 15 million…

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26. February 2018

CMC discovers flawed theory behind widely used materials

DNRF head of center Bo Brummerstedt Iversen is one of the authors of a new paper in Nature Materials which shows that parts of the…

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Photo: Ministry of Higher Education and Science
14. February 2018

Research Barometer 2017: Danish researchers are among the world’s elite

The director of the Danish National Research Foundation welcomes the news from this year’s research barometer, which shows that Danish researchers belong to the world’s…

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5. February 2018

Head of center Rubina Raja will tour the US as Kershaw Lecturer

The Archaeological Institute of America has appointed Rubina Raja, head of center and professor of classical archaeology, as the Kershaw Lecturer 2018/2019. As part of…

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