New research from CEBI on gender pay gap receive worldwide media attention
Research results from CEBI received great media attention worldwide when the research showed how women’s yearly earnings drop significantly after their first child is born.
Researchers Jakob Egholt Søgaard and Henrik Kleven from the Center for Economic Behavior and Inequality (CEBI) at the University of Copenhagen, together with researchers from the U.S and London, studied the development in earnings among Danish couples from 1980 to 2013.
The research showed that Danish women suffer a significant decrease in their earnings after the birth of their first child, while the father’s earnings remain the same.
According to the results, men’s and women’s yearly income develops equally until the first child is born, after which the mother’s income rate plummets up to 20 percent, – a loss that is never fully recovered.
The result received great media attention both nationally and internationally, e.g., in the Danish newspaper Berlingske and in the New York Times.
Read more about the research in Berlingske here (in Danish).