
Bestyrelsesformand Liselotte Højgaard og centerleder Peter Lodahl giver hånd ved åbningsceremonien for grundforskningscenteret Hy-Q.
21. September 2018

Inauguration of Hy-Q – Center for Hybrid Quantum Networks

Monday, September 17 was the day of the official opening of the DNRF center Hy-Q, headed by Professor Peter Lodahl at the Niels Bohr Institute,…

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17. September 2018

Future climate change overtakes nature’s ability to follow

A research team led by the DNRF’s Center for Macroecology, Evolution, and Climate (CMEC) has examined how biodiversity reacts to climate change through time. The…

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15. September 2018

Eske Willerslev receives Semper Ardens grant to do research on ancient rice genes

DNRF head of center Eske Willerslev, from the Center for GeoGenetics at Copenhagen University and Cambridge University, has received a Semper Ardens grant from the Carlsberg Foundation for a project…

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5. September 2018

Former head of center Poul Nissen receives the Carlsberg Foundation Research Prize 2018

The Carlsberg Foundation recently awarded its Research Prizes 2018, and one of this year’s recipients is Professor Poul Nissen, the former head of the DNRF…

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31. August 2018

Talented researchers receive ERC Starting Grants

Logo: ERC At the end of July, the European Research Council (ERC) disclosed this year’s 403 recipients of the so-called ERC Starting Grants, which supply…

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Et stykke permafrost holdt op mod landskab i Grønland
31. August 2018

Other August News in Brief

CENPERM researchers discover the release of volatile gases from permafrost Gases released from thawing permafrost are one of the hottest topics in climate research and…

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28. August 2018

Domino effect of climate events could lead to irreversible “hothouse Earth” state

Professor Katherine Richardson from the DNRF Center for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate (CMEC) is part of a research team warning that an uncontrollable domino effect…

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Photo DTU: Peter Bøggild
27. August 2018

Researchers from CNG will be part of DTU Physics’ plans to strengthen research in 2D materials

Starting January 1, 2019, a research group from the DNRF’s Center for Nanostructured Graphene (CNG) will be part of DTU’s plan to merge all 2D…

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22. August 2018

New study led by Jens Lundgren shows zero risk of transmission for those HIV positive in treatment

DNRF head of center Jens Lundgren, from the Center for Personalized Medicine Managing Infectious Complications in Immune Deficiency (PERSIMUNE) at Rigshospitalet, is one of the…

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15. August 2018

New observations confirm theory connecting gamma ray bursts with neutron star merger

A major international research collaboration with researchers from the DNRF Cosmic Dawn Center (DAWN) and from the former DNRF Dark Cosmology Centre (DARK) has confirmed…

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25. July 2018

Oscillating “ghost particles” caught at the South Pole help solve an astrophysical riddle

DNRF Niels Bohr Professor Subir Sarkar and Professor Jason Koskinen are part of a global collaboration that, with the help of the neutrino observatory IceCube,…

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Photo (Aarhus University, Cecilie
19. July 2018

News from MIB: Ph.D. defense focuses on interplay between hearing and sight

Former Ph.D. student Cecilie Møller, from the Center for Music in the Brain (MIB) and the Psykologisk Institut at Aarhus University, can now call herself…

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17. July 2018

Bo Brummerstedt will be in charge of the first Danish ESS research environment

The head of the DNRF’s Center for Materials Crystallography (CMC), Bo Brummerstedt Iversen, will be in charge of the first Danish ESS research environment at…

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12. July 2018

Ancient pygmy genes traced in Southeast Asia’s genetic landscape

The head of the DNRF Center for GeoGenetics, Eske Willerslev, is leading an international research team that has mapped genetic immigration in Southeast Asia. The…

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10. July 2018

SAC helps NASA set the clock on recently launched TESS telescope

Researchers from the Stellar Astrophysics Center (SAC) at Aarhus University will be helping NASA set the clock on the space telescope TESS, which was launched…

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