
The SONG telescope, which is part of the Teide Observatory on the slopes of the volcano Teide, Tenerife.
11. January 2019

SONG project led by SAC examines possible exoplanet and expands with two new telescopes

The Stellar Astrophysics Centre (SAC), a basic research center, is in charge of the Danish-led project Stellar Observations Network Group (SONG) that just finished an…

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Here staff at Aarhus University watch pictures of the university’s first satellite, Delphini-1,as it was sent to the international space station (ISS).
7. January 2019

Other December News in Brief

Head of Center Lone Grams is appointed to the board of Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF) As of January 1, 2019, head of the DNRF…

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Independent Research Fund Denmark logo.
5. January 2019

Four researchers with a connection to the DNRF receive Sapere Aude grants from the Independent Research Fund Denmark

Recently, 34 researchers received the good news that they will become Sapere Aude research leaders, with grants from the Independent Research Fund Denmark. Four of…

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Professor Susanne Mandrup.
4. January 2019

Head of center Susanne Mandrup receives 60 million DKK to establish new research center

The head of the DNRF’s Center for Functional Genomics and Tissue Plasticity (ATLAS) at the University of Southern Denmark, Susanne Mandrup, has received 60 million…

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19. December 2018

CCS in a new study: Folate deficiency can lead to hitherto unknown problems with cell division

In a study recently published in the scientific journal PNAS, researchers from the DNRF’s Center for Chromosome Stability (CCS) at the University of Copenhagen have…

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Professor Morten Bennedsen.
17. December 2018

Transparency in wage statistics enlarge equality in wage between men and women

The DNRF’s Niels Bohr Professor Morten Bennedsen is in charge of a new analysis that shows how openness in gender-based wage statistics in companies creates…

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Professor John McGrath.
12. December 2018

Newborns with vitamin D deficiency have an increased risk of developing schizophrenia later in life

The DNRF’s Niels Bohr Professor John McGrath, from the University of Queensland, Australia and Aarhus University, Denmark, led a study that found how newborns with…

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An artists' interpretation of how the meteor hit the ice sheet in West Greenland.
30. November 2018

Massive meteorite crater discovered underneath Greenland ice sheet

An international research team led by Professor Kurt H. Kjær from the DNRF’s Centre for GeoGenetics is behind the discovery of a huge meteorite crater…

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David Dreyer Lassen
30. November 2018

Other November News in Brief

David Dreyer Lassen appointed new chair for the Independent Research Fund Denmark Professor David Dreyer Lassen from the DNRF’s Center for Economic Behavior and Inequality…

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Quantum Flagship logo
27. November 2018

Heads of centers are part of big new EU Quantum Flagship

Last month, the EU’s big new research initiative Quantum Flagship was launched. Two DNRF heads of centers from the Technical University of Denmark and the…

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Chair of The Danish National Research Foundation, Professor Jens Kehlet Nørskov.
16. November 2018

Jens Kehlet Nørskov appointed new chair of the Danish National Research Foundation

Press release: The minister of Higher Education and Science, Tommy Ahlers, has appointed Jens Kehlet Nørskov, a professor at DTU, as the new chair of…

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DNRF Annual Meeting 2018, The Royal Danish Academy for Sciences and Letters, (foto: Mikkel Østergaard)
16. November 2018

The DNRF Annual Meeting 2018: Diversity and Excellence in Recruitment and Career Development

The DNRF Annual Meeting 2018: Diversity and Excellence in Recruitment and Career Development On Friday, November 9, the DNRF’s annual meeting was held at the…

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1. Pladsen: Det ligner ved første øjekast en almindelig måne, men efter et par sekunder afslører sorte uregelmæssigheder, at billedet viser noget ganske andet. Faktisk er der tale om lys, som projekteres gennem tusindvis af tynde glasrør, også kaldet optiske fibre, der tilsammen danner en måneform. Manden bag billedet, Jonas S. Neergaard Nielsen fra Hy-Q ved DTU forsker i fotoners evne til at bære data. I modsætning til elektroner kan fotoner transportere information uden modstand med lysets hast. Håbet er, at man i fremtiden kan transportere enorme mængder af data og skabe et lynhurtigt og sikkert kvanteinternet, der eksempelvis kan beskytte personfølsomme oplysninger. (Photo: Jonas S. Neergaard Nielsen, Hy-Q, DTU)
14. November 2018

Submit your photo now: Photographing Science – a DNRF photo competition

The winning photo 2018. Photo: Jonas S. Neergaard Nielsen, Hy-Q, DTU Photos have the ability to unseal the world of science in a surprising and…

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12. November 2018

Researchers from Hy-Q solve central problem in quantum physics

Professor Albert Schliesser is the team leader for a research team at the DNRF’s Center for Hybrid Quantum Networks (Hy-Q) that, with the help of…

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8. November 2018

DNA analysis of world’s oldest natural mummy unlocks secrets of Ice Age tribes in the Americas

A legal battle over a 10,600 year old ancient skeleton – called the ‘Spirit Cave Mummy’ – has ended after advanced DNA sequencing found it…

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