
Figuren illustrerer forholdet mellem fødselsvægten for mødrene og børns testresultater, afhængigt af barnets egen fødselsvægt.
26. November 2019

New study from CEBI: Parents’ birth weight influences children’s performance in school

The correlation between one’s birth weight and how one makes it later in life is not a new phenomenon within science. According to a new…

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Professor Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen, tidligere centerleder ved grundforskningscenteret QGM, der nu skal stå i spidsen for det nyoprettede center QM på SDU.
18. November 2019

Former DNRF head of center Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen will be the leader of a new center at the University of Southern Denmark

On November 1, Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen, professor and previous head of center at the DNRF’s Centre for Quantum Geometry of Moduli Spaces (QGM) at Aarhus…

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Musicians play on African drums.
12. November 2019

A simple mathematical equation explains how people synchronize when tapping out rhythms together

When two people tap out a simple rhythm together, they choose different strategies to synchronize. Sometimes one person becomes a leader, and the other becomes…

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6. November 2019

New study from CCS: Women’s naturally fluctuating fertility curve is caused by chromosome abnormalities

It is well known that women’s natural fertility curve goes up and down throughout their lifetimes, but a new study, led by researchers from the…

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Et europæisk forskerhold har anvendt data fra instrumentet X-shooter på ESOs Very Large Telescope til at identificere strontium, som er dannet ved et neutronstjernesammenstød. Illustrationen viser to små, men eget tætte neutronstjerner lige idet de smelter sammen og eksploderer som en kilonova. I forgrunden ser vi det nydannede strontium
1. November 2019

Major space news from DAWN: The final piece in the puzzle of the origin of the elements

Press release from University of Copenhagen: The first unequivocal evidence of where the heaviest elements were forged has now been found by a research group…

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Rita Felski. Foto: University of Virginia
31. October 2019

Other October News in Brief

The Danish National Research Foundation and two other public foundations behind a contribution to Altinget; a big interview with Rita Felski in Politiken; Carsten Rahbek…

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Logo, John McGrath Niels Bohr Professorship
25. October 2019

New study from McGrath’s Niels Bohr Professorship in the Lancet: Mentally ill die many years earlier than others

PRESS RELEASE: New research from Aarhus BSS confirms that people with mental disorders have an increased risk of premature mortality. When compared to the general…

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DNRF logo
23. October 2019

The Danish National Research Foundation is ready to invest DKK 1.1 billion in 10 new Centers of Excellence

The board of the Danish National Research Foundation (DNRF) has decided to invest DKK 657 million and allocate an additional DKK 440 million to 10…

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21. October 2019

Two ERC Synergy Grants to researchers with a connection to the DNRF

Two research teams with a connection to the Danish National Research Foundation are among five recipients from Denmark of this year’s  Synergy Grants from the…

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Grafisk fremstilling, som illustrerer den såkaldte cluster-tilstand af sammenfiltrede lyspunkter, som artiklen fra bigQ omhandler
21. October 2019

New study from bigQ: Blanket of light may provide better quantum computers

News from bigQ and DTU: Researchers from the DNRF Center bigQ at DTU Physics describe in an article how – by simple means – they…

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Karl Anker Jørgensen. Foto Videnskabernes Selskab
17. October 2019

Previous DNRF-head of center Karl Anker Jørgensen is the first recipient of H. C. Ørsted Gold Medal in 30 years

For the first time in 30 years, the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters and the Society for the Dissemination of Natural Science decided…

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Magnified image of bacteria seen through a microscope.
14. October 2019

PERSIMUNE examines how the gut flora is affected in patients with suppressed immune systems

Researchers from the Center of Excellence PERSIMUNE at Rigshospitalet will examine how the gut flora is affected in patients with suppressed immune systems caused by…

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A starry night sky.
10. October 2019

Observations of red giants may confirm 50-year-old theory

When low-mass stars, such as the Sun, are about to burn out, they swell and become red giants – a phase in the life of…

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4. October 2019

Discovery of the most remote galaxy cluster in the making moves the limit of our understanding of the cosmic dawn

An international research team, including researchers from the Center of Excellence Cosmic Dawn Center (DAWN) at the University of Copenhagen, has discovered a very remote…

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PRIVACY Summer Seminar 2019. Photo PRIVACY Univeristy of Copenhagen
30. September 2019

Other September News in Brief

Seven researchers with a connection to the DNRF received a Villum Experiment grant; UrbNet has launched a new journal; CeMiSt has discovered a bacterium with…

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