News from the Foundation

o: Carsten Egevang, Grønlands Naturinstitut.
30. March 2021

The picture of a sled dog race in Greenland shot shortly after the starting point wins 2nd prize in the DNRF’s Photo Competition 2021

The winner of the 2nd prize in the DNRF’s Photo Competition 2021 is a photograph of the annual national sled dog race shot shortly after…

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fremstillet.  Foto: Heide W. Nørgaard, Moesgaard Museum.
30. March 2021

A crystallographic structure of a prehistoric bronze from Sardinia wins 3rd prize in the DNRF’s Photo Competition 2021

The winner of the 3rd prize in the DNRF’s Photo Competition 2021 is a picture of a microscopic fragment of an ankle on a small…

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Screenshot af forsiden til fotokonkurrence i årsrapporten 2021
19. March 2021

The winning photos of the DNRF Photo Competition 2021 have been chosen

The DNRF Photo Competition 2021 In 2018, the Danish National Research Foundation launched a photo competition to connect the world of research with the public.…

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17. March 2021

Peder Olesen Larsen 1934-2021: A portrait of the DNRF founder and his influence on Danish research

PRESS RELEASE: Peder Olesen Larsen 1934-2021 The Danish National Research Foundation The start of 30 years of excellent Danish research performance From an ugly duckling…

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Professor Tine Jess.
10. February 2021

Press release: New Center of Excellence on Inflammatory Bowel Diseases at Aalborg University

Press release: The Faculty of Medicine at Aalborg University and the Danish National Research Foundation are establishing a National Center of Excellence for research on…

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Eksempel på forhold mellem mus, fedme og celleforandringer
29. January 2021

Other January News in Brief

New EU-financed project from CML; New study from ATLAS explores the link between obesity and cell changes in mice; New project “HappyFish” from CEH; Two…

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Professor Vivek Shende
25. January 2021

Vivek Shende is the fourth researcher to receive the Danish National Research Foundation’s latest funding instrument: The DNRF Chair

Professor Vivek Shende from the University of California, Berkeley is the fourth researcher to receive the Danish National Research Foundation’s latest funding instrument: the DNRF…

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Professor Staffan Persson.
20. January 2021

Staffan Persson is the third researcher to receive the Danish National Research Foundation’s latest funding instrument: The DNRF Chair

The DNRF Chair is the Danish National Research Foundation’s latest funding instrument. This new funding instrument was launched at the beginning of 2020 with the…

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Billede af et par eksemplarer af den trykte udgave af ”Fortællinger fra Grundforskningens Grænseland – Samtaler med 25 nutidige forskere i Danmark.” Foto: Danmarks Grundforskningsfond.
14. December 2020

New book from the DNRF on basic research on the foundation’s website

Earlier this year, the Danish National Research Foundation published the book “Stories from the Borderland of Basic Research – Conversations with 25 Contemporary Researchers in…

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Centerleder Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen var en af dem, der var mødt op fysisk, mens størstedelen fulgte med på Zoom.
11. December 2020

Inauguration of Centre for the Experimental-Philosophical Study of Discrimination (CEPDISC)

Friday, December 4, 2020, was the day of the official opening of CEPDISC, one of the DNRF’s ten new Centers of Excellence, led by Professor…

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Professor Ronnie Glud og forskerkollegaer ved et forskningsinstrument. Foto: SDU
18. November 2020

Inauguration of Center for Hadal Research (HADAL)

Friday, November 13, 2020, was the day of the official virtual opening of the Center of Excellence HADAL, led by Professor Ronnie N. Glud from…

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16. November 2020

The DNRF Photo Competition 2021 – Submission is closed

Again this year, The Danish National Research Foundation invites the Danish scientific community to submit their best photos for the foundation’s Photo Competition 2021. You…

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Graphical abstract illustrating the main findings of the study in plants and nitrogen.
30. October 2020

Other October News in Brief

A new study from CENPERM about plants and nitrogen published in Global Change Biology; meet post-doc Julian Regalado from the Center of Excellence CEH; David…

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To forskellige typer af benspidser separeret af 600 års tomrum.
26. October 2020

Press release: Where did all the hunters go?

PRESS RELEASE: Stone Age fishing spears used as proxies for cultural transition Two different types of bone points separated by 600 years hiatus. Photo: Theis…

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The image shows light particles during the meeting with atoms while they pass through a glass fiber.
16. October 2020

New quantum optics experiment converts laser light to isolated photons

A new quantum optics experiment might end up being of crucial importance when it comes to safer treatments of information and regarding the research of…

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