30. November 2020

Other November News in Brief

Head of Center Anja Boisen from IDUN is awarded Knight of Order of the Dannebrog; Award to Ph.D. student Jakob Blaabjerg Ahm Sørensen from FRIC; News from PRIVACY: Monthly online seminar on the way and a summer school student receives prestigious book award; New study from CCG published in Chemical Communications; New publication about Covid-19 behavior from CEBI; Associate Professor Tom Brughmans from UrbNet receives grant; All this in the DNRF’s Other November News in Brief here.

Head of Center Anja Boisen from IDUN is awarded Knight of Order of the Dannebrog 

Professor Anja Boisen, head of center at the DNRF’s Center for Intelligent Drug Delivery and Sensing Using Microcontainers and Nanomechanics (IDUN) at DTU, will be awarded the Knight’s Cross by Her Majesty the Queen. This recognition is based on her work as a professor in micro- and nanotechnology, as well as her work as the head of center at the Center of Excellence. Boisen’s research has formed the basis for a significant development in how medicines can be delivered to the body through nanotechnology. “I am truly honored to receive this appointment, and it is a very fine acknowledgment for the work that we have done in the Center of Excellence IDUN,” said Boisen.

Read more at the DTU here

More information about Anja Boisen here

Award to Ph.D. student Jakob Blaabjerg Ahm Sørensen from FRIC

Ph.D. student Jakob Blaabjerg Ahm Sørensen from the Center of Excellence FRIC at the Copenhagen Business School (CBS) has received the Fonnesbech PhD Award 2020. The award is given to a student who has delivered extraordinary research that is deemed to be at a top international level. The award comes with a four-year co-financing of Ph.D. studies of 140,000 DKK. The award committee found that Sørensen had worked well throughout his studies and received top grades.

More information can be found at the CBS here

Read more about Jakob Blaabjerg Ahm Sørensen here

News from PRIVACY: Monthly online seminar on the way and a summer school student receives prestigious book award 

A new monthly online seminar from the Center of Excellence PRIVACY at the University of Copenhagen will discuss historical issues of privacy in Latin America, Europe, and transregionally. Every month a work-in-progress will be presented. The work will be circulated in advance so that it can then be discussed online on Zoom. The seminar is open for registration. It will be in English, but participants will be able to ask questions in Portuguese and Spanish.

M.A. student Kathrine Hyldgaard Petersen from PRIVACY has received the prestigious Westin Scholar Book Award. The International Association of Privacy Professionals created the fund to support students who are identified by their professors as future leaders in the field of privacy or data protection. Head of Center at PRIVACY, Mette Birkedal Bruun,  recommended Petersen for the award after she participated in the center’s summer school.

Read more about the online seminar at the University of Copenhagen here

More about the Westin Scholar Book Award at the University of Copenhagen here

New study from CCG published in Chemical Communications

A new study from the Center of Excellence CCG at the University of Copenhagen researched the so-called peptide and the antibody’s contact with the peptide. The study’s new findings  may lead to efficient anti-cancer vaccines and help create new diagnostic tools. The study has been published in the scientific journal Chemical Communications.

Read more about the study at the University of Copenhagen here

Read the scientific article from Chemical Communications here

New publication about Covid-19 behavior from CEBI

Post-doc Sarah Zaccagni and Assistant Professor Paolo Falco from the Center of Excellence CEBI at the University of Copenhagen have published a paper about humans’ behavior during Covid-19. In the analysis they looked at what made people conform to authorities’ advice and guidelines during the pandemic. This new insight developed into a collaboration with a research center in Rome that works closely with the authorities. Their analysis made it possible for the authorities to create new policies that had a solid and evidence-based foundation.

Read more in the press release from the University of Copenhagen here

Read the paper about the Covid-19 behavior here

Associate Professor Tom Brughmans from UrbNet receives grant

Associate Professor Tom Brughmans from the Center of Excellence UrbNet at Aarhus University has received a Sapere Aude grant from the Independent Research Fund Denmark for the project “MINERVA: Understanding the centuries-long functioning of the Roman economy.” By combining archaeological ceramics and the Roman transport network in computational simulation experiments, the project will explore how a massive, integrated economy like the Roman Empire evolved over the centuries.

Read more about UrbNet at Aarhus University here

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