Change of Chair for the DNRF
Jens Kehlet Nørskov has been chair of the DNRF for five years, and during that time, he has helped to ensure that the foundation continuously supports the best Danish research and the development of future research talents. Kehlet Nørskov said that he has been incredibly happy to be able to participate in the development of one of the cornerstones of Denmark’s research structure.
The vice chair will temporarily handle the duties of the chair.
The Danish National Research Foundation will appoint a new chair in 2024. Starting January 1, Vice Chair Christian S. Jensen will handle the chair’s duties until a new chair has been appointed.
Jensen has been vice chair of the DNRF since December 2021; he is a professor in the Department of Computer Science at Aalborg University.
In addition to his employment at Aalborg and Aarhus Universities, Jensen has lived in the United States for six years. He has broad experience with research evaluation and funding from the Swiss National Science Foundation, European Research Council, Max Planck Society, Villum Foundation, and research councils in Norway, Sweden, Great Britain, and the United States.