
Kranie fra et det forhistoriske næsehorn (stephanorhinus) fra Dmanisi. Foto: Mirian Kiladze, Georgian National Museum.
26. September 2019

New method bursts time frame: Genetic information extracted from a 1.77-million-year-old tooth from ancient rhino

The analysis of a fossil tooth from a 1.77-million-year-old rhino has launched a new molecular method that, for the first time, examines fossil species that…

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I den nybeskrevne affaldssortering (døbt doryfagi) bliver de såkaldte satellitterne (set i rødt på fotoet) optaget i cellens affaldssystem (markeret grønt på fotoet). Det indsatte billede viser centrosomernei cellen, omgivet af satellitterne.
25. September 2019

Researchers from CARD: Newly discovered cellular waste system protects our genes

Researchers from the DNRF center of Excellence CARD at the Danish Cancer Society have discovered a new waste system in our cells. The system appears…

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The volcano Chimborazo at the Andes in Ecuador. The volcano is especially known as the motive in Homboldts' famous drawing of the volcano's plant zones.
18. September 2019

An answer to the hitherto unsolved riddle about animal species’ exhibition pattern may be found in the mountains

Since the 19th century, when world explorers and scientists first began to examine and document the Earth’s biodiversity, researchers have tried to find answers to…

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The image shows a rock landscape formed by ancient seas, where a great deal of the history of animal life is preserved in the old limestones.
13. September 2019

Study of 540-million-year-old limestone indicates that animals contributed to the regulation of the Earth’s oxygen level

A new study shows that animals may have been a part of regulating the Earth’s oxygen level and thereby indirectly controlled their evolutionary development. This…

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Foto af en dråbe - billede fra fotoudstillingen 'World in a Drop'. Foto: Scott
31. August 2019

August News in Brief

A podcast about the mysterious dark matter of the universe with CP3-Origins researcher; CeMiSt to host a photo exhibition that takes you close to the…

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Stock photo of pillows and blankets on Unsplash
29. August 2019

Sleep research from MIB can lead to better treatment of insomnia and coma patients

In two studies from the DNRF Center for Music in the Brain (MIB), researchers challenge the established understanding of sleep stages and use new theories…

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Illustration: The book cover. UrbNet/Aarhus University Press
16. August 2019

New book from UrbNet takes the reader on a journey through ancient excavations with Denmark’s most significant archaeologists

Today, “Store Danske arkæologer. På Jagt efter fortidens byer” (Great Danish Archaeologists. In Search of the Cities of the Past) was published. This new book…

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Illustration of three different anatomical hearts. Photo: University of Copenhagen
9. July 2019

Carbohydrate plays a significant role in experiments with rats and the results may lead to new medicines

Research experiments with rats indicate that a certain kind of carbohydrate is essential for the regulation of the body’s blood pressure in humans, a study…

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’Sortilin gates neurotensin and BDNF signalling to control peripheral neuropathic pain.
5. July 2019

Studies in laboratory mice awaken hope for efficient treatment of chronic pain

The protein sortilin plays an essential role in pain development in laboratory mice. This is shown in a new study that was recently published in…

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Hills and vineyards in the Orb River Valley. Roquebrun, Hérault, France.
1. July 2019

Other June News in Brief

Susanne Mandrup in charge of a new large study on fat cells published in Nature Genetics Professor Susanne Mandrup, head of the DNRF center ATLAS…

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The image shows ruins from the ancient city of Gerasa.
30. June 2019

Data from the ancient “golden river” in Jordanian city of Jerash can help improve today’s sustainability

In the ancient Jordanian city of Gerasa – near the modern city of Jerash – new research has revealed that a so-called “golden river” enabled…

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Tao Li and Ph.D. student Jolanta Rieksta conducting field work in Abisko, Sweden, to assess how climate warming and insect feeding affect plant volatile release from Arctic plants.
14. June 2019

Rising temperatures in the Arctic cause plants to release more volatiles; this is bad news for the climate and the plants themselves

Scent compounds – called volatiles – released from plants have many functions and can affect both the activity and interaction of insects and the physical…

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The image shows the two ancient milk teeth that were found in the Yana-camp.
12. June 2019

31,000-year-old milk teeth reveal unknown ancient people from Siberia

The discovery of 31,000-year-old milk teeth from two children found in northeastern Siberia reveal an unknown population that lived in the area long before previously…

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På billedet ses de tre Hy-Q-forskere bag studiet: Ph.D.-studerende Junxin Chen og Massimiliano Rossi fra Hy-Q står på hver deres side af Postdoc David Mason, der er førsteforfatter på studiet
4. June 2019

Hy-Q-researchers bring new standard for precision in quantum measurements

For more than 50 years, quantum researchers have tried to push the so-called SQL limit for precision in sensitive quantum measurements. Now, a research team…

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Horses in nature. Credit: Ludovic Orlando/CGG
3. June 2019

Other May News in Brief

Professor Elvira Brattico from MIB in BBC podcast on sound At this year’s international science festival in Gothenburg, Professor Elvira Brattico, from the Center of…

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