Awards and Prizes

8. October 2018

Former DNRF head of center Jens Kehlet Nørskov receives the prestigious Niels Bohr International Gold Medal

Top researcher and former DNRF head of center Jens Kehlet Nørskov has been awarded the Niels Bohr International Gold Medal 2018 for his research in…

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15. September 2018

Eske Willerslev receives Semper Ardens grant to do research on ancient rice genes

DNRF head of center Eske Willerslev, from the Center for GeoGenetics at Copenhagen University and Cambridge University, has received a Semper Ardens grant from the Carlsberg Foundation for a project…

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5. September 2018

Former head of center Poul Nissen receives the Carlsberg Foundation Research Prize 2018

The Carlsberg Foundation recently awarded its Research Prizes 2018, and one of this year’s recipients is Professor Poul Nissen, the former head of the DNRF…

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31. August 2018

Talented researchers receive ERC Starting Grants

Logo: ERC At the end of July, the European Research Council (ERC) disclosed this year’s 403 recipients of the so-called ERC Starting Grants, which supply…

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9. July 2018

Head of Center Eske Willerslev and Professor Thomas Werge have been granted DKK 60 million from the Lundbeck Foundation to study the evolution of brain diseases

The head of the DNRF’s Center for GeoGenetics Eske Willerslev and Professor Thomas Werge have received DKK 60 million from the Lundbeck Foundation to fund…

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31. May 2018

Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard receives Danish science award

Professor Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard, head of center at the Stellar Astrophysics Centre (SAC) at Aarhus University, is one of two recipients of this year’s Rigmor and…

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14. May 2018

Former head of center Kurt Gothelf receives the Danish Polymer Prize – ATV | Elastyren Prize 2018

Professor Kurt Gothelf, who recently ended 10 years as head of center at the DNRF Center for DNA Nanotechnology (CDNA) at Aarhus University, has received…

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4. May 2018

International award will go to head of center Troels Skrydstrup

Head of center Troels Skrydstrup, from the Carbon Dioxide Activation Center (CADIAC), will receive the Melvin Calvin Award 2018. Next month, head of center Troels…

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23. April 2018

Matthew Collins receives ERC grant for research on old animal skins

Niels Bohr Professor Matthew Collins, from the Natural History Museum of Denmark at the University of Copenhagen, has received a prestigious grant from the European…

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3. April 2018

Mette Birkedal Bruun receives Tagea Brandt travel grant

Head of Center Mette Birkedal Bruun, from the Centre for Privacy Studies (PRIVACY) at the University of Copenhagen, together with author Naja Marie Aidt, received…

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6. March 2018

The Elite Research Prizes 2018 honor basic research

Two researchers associated with the Danish National Research Foundation were among the recipients of this year’s five Elite Research Prizes, all of which were awarded…

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6. February 2018

Jørgen Kjems from CellPAT receives this year’s Novo Nordisk Prize

The head of a DNRF center, Jørgen Kjems, will be this year’s recipient of the Novo Nordisk Prize for his innovative research on cellular communication.…

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22. December 2017

Niels Bohr Professor John McGrath receives the Erik Strömgren medal

Research into brain development and schizophrenia has led to international acclaim for Niels Bohr Professor, John McGrath. The British professor received the Erik Strömgren Medal…

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Photo: Center for Permafrost (CENPERM)
21. December 2017

Head of Center Bo Elberling receives the Hans Egede Medal

At a ceremony on December 14, 2017, Head of Center and professor of Soil Geography and Geochemistry, Bo Elberling, received the Hans Egede Medal for…

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28. November 2017

Head of Center Mette Birkedal Bruun receives prize for ‘outstanding research in the Humanities’

At a ceremony on 21 November 2017, Centre Director, Professor of Church History Mette Birkedal Bruun, received Einar Hansen’s Research Prize for her contribution to…

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