1. October 2024

730 mil. DKK. for 13 new Centers of Excellence

The board of the Danish National Research Foundation has decided to support the establishment of 13 new DNRF Centers of Excellence. The Centers of Excellence will conduct groundbreaking and innovative research that will help maintain Denmark’s position as one of the world’s leading research countries.


(The list of selected applicants for new centers can be found below)

“I would like to emphasize that there were really many qualified applicants, and I wish that we could accept even more, because there is plenty of talent in the Danish research community,” said DNRF’s Chairman Professor Dorthe Dahl-Jensen. She continued:

“We went through a long and thorough process before selecting the 13 applicants. Those applicants have now been invited to enter contract negotiations. We believe that they all have the potential to create groundbreaking results in their field of research. And as always, it bodes well for the future, because we know from experience that many of their research ideas come to good use in Danish society.”

The director of the Danish National Research Foundation, Søren-Peter Olesen, is also very satisfied with the 13 applicants chosen. They fulfill the foundation’s purpose of funding excellent basic research at the highest international level.

“The DNRF has always been very pleased that we have the opportunity to fund research in all areas, and it is incredibly positive that we have once again received applications that cover a very large part of the research spectrum this year.”

A tight collaboration

The Danish National Research Foundation looks forward to cooperating with the universities and other research institutions with which the new Centers of Excellence are affiliated.

“The foundation has always closely cooperated with the host institutions, which are skilled at creating the framework for the interdisciplinary research environments on which we place great emphasis to nourish and develop our basic research centers. Additionally, we are also very aware that the collaboration contributes to creating incubators for the education of future top-class researchers. So, we look forward to keeping up a close and fruitful collaboration with the research institutions at the upcoming centers,” concluded Professor Dahl-Jensen.

About the application process

The Danish National Research Foundation (DNRF) uses a two-stage application process for the establishment of new Centers of Excellence. The first phase is an open call, where all interested parties can submit applications – outline proposals. For this current application round – the 12th – the DNRF received 166 outline proposals. Of these, 25 applicants were invited to submit full proposals, and from these, 13 applicants have been invited to enter contract negotiations to establish new Centers of Excellence.

The 13 applicants with whom the Danish National Research Foundation will enter final contract negotiations can be found below:

Morten Ø. Nielsen, Aarhus University, Aarhus Center for Econometrics (ACE).
The foundation is prepared to grant up to 35,935,000 DKK.
Tel.: +45 31 49 88 92/ e-mail: mon@econ.au.dk

Petar Popovski, Aalborg University, Center for Classical Communication in the Quantum Era (CLASSIQUE).
The foundation is prepared to grant up to 59,892,000 DKK.
Tel.: +45 21 94 78 73/e-mail: petarp@es.aau.dk

Messoud Ashina, Rigshospitalet, Center for Discoveries in Migraine (CDM).
The foundation is prepared to grant up to 60,000,000 DKK.
Tel.: +45 26 26 23 95/ e-mail: ashina@dadlnet.dk   

Dorthe Bomholdt Ravnsbæk, Aarhus University, Center for Sustainable Energy Materials (C-SEM).
The foundation is prepared to grant up to 59,965,000 DKK.
Tel.: +45 22 84 07 07/ e-mail: dorthe@chem.au.dk  

Bjørn Panyella Pedersen, Aarhus University, Center for Active Transport of Plant Hormones (Plant-PATH).
The foundation is prepared to grant up to 60,000,000 DKK.
Tel.: +45 29 72 34 99/E-mail: bpp@mbg.au.dk

Eva Hoffmann, University of Copenhagen, Center for Fertility and Inheritance (CFI).
The foundation is prepared to grant up to 69,774,700 DKK.
Tel.: + 45 22 84 39 35 / e-mail: eva@sund.ku.dk 

Rasmus Fensholt, University of Copenhagen, Center for Remote Sensing and Deep Learning of Global Tree Resources (TreeSense).
The foundation is prepared to grant up to 59,909,600 DKK.
Tel.: +45 20 88 53 83/ e-mail: rf@ign.ku.dk

Mads Rosendahl Thomsen, Aarhus University, Center for Contemporary Cultures of Text (TXT).
The foundation is prepared to grant up to 38,553,000 DKK.
Tel.: +45 31 14 14 19/ e-mail: madsrt@cc.au.dk

Pia Quist, University of Copenhagen, Changing Urban and Rural Lives (TRANSITION).
The foundation is prepared to grant up to 39,842,000 DKK.
Tel.: +45 29 80 74 27/ e-mail: pia.quist@hum.ku.dk  

Anja Groth, Danish Cancer Society, Center for Epigenetic Cell Memory (EpiC).
The foundation is prepared to grant up to 67,414,000 DKK.
Tel.: +45 30 50 73 04/ e-mail: anja.groth@cpr.ku.dk

Hans Wandall, University of Copenhagen, Center for Glycocalyx Research (CGR)
The foundation is prepared to grant up to 59,999,000 DKK.
Tel.: +45 27 21 09 36/ e-mail: hhw@sund.ku.dk

Vitor Cardoso, University of Copenhagen, Center of Gravity (CoG).
The foundation is prepared to grant up to 60,000,000 DKK.
Tel.: +45 35 32 53 34 / e-mail: vitor.cardoso@nbi.ku.dk

Søren Rysgaard, Aarhus University, Center for Ice-Free Arctic Research (CIFAR)
The foundation is prepared to grant up to 60,042,400 DKK.
Tel.: +45 24 64 32 06/ e-mail: rysgaard@bio.au.dk


Professor Dorthe Dahl-Jensen

Professor Søren-Peter Olesen
Tel.: +45 20 28 97 06

Lotte Ladegaard Zeuthen
Head of Communication 
Tel.: +45 31 33 37 40

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