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Theme reports from the danish national research foundation– researchers’ perspectives on conditions of research

Close contact with its grant holders is part of the Danish National Research Foundation’s DNA. Annual follow-up meetings at the sites of each grant holder are a way of supporting the ambitious research centers through continual dialogue. At the meetings, the DNRF takes the opportunity to interview the center staff about how they view the broader issues that are directly consequential to the continued well-being of research and researchers. 
Themes emerging from these interviews are collected in the annual meeting publications. In this way, researchers’ perspectives become available to other stakeholders in the Danish research landscape who share the ambition of promoting Danish research and innovation. 

About the danish national research foundation (dnrf) 

The DNRF funds Danish basic research in all academic fields with the potential of becoming world leading. This is achieved mainly through flexible, long-term funding in the form of Centers of Excellence led by top scientists. 

Previous theme reports

Lasting value
from DNRF CoE

and FAIR data
The Culture
of Academia

Editor: Morten Andreasen
August 2024 
Danish National
Research Foundation
1057 Copenhagen K
T: +45 3318 1950 
E: dg@dg.dk

Theme reports from the danish national research foundation– researchers’ perspectives on conditions of research

Close contact with its grant holders is part of the Danish National Research Foundation’s DNA. Annual follow-up meetings at the sites of each grant holder are a way of supporting the ambitious research centers through continual dialogue. At the meetings, the DNRF takes the opportunity to interview the center staff about how they view the broader issues that are directly consequential to the continued well-being of research and researchers. 
Themes emerging from these interviews are collected in the annual meeting publications. In this way, researchers’ perspectives become available to other stakeholders in the Danish research landscape who share the ambition of promoting Danish research and innovation. 

About the danish national research foundation (dnrf

The DNRF funds Danish basic research in all academic fields with the potential of becoming world leading. This is achieved mainly through flexible, long-term funding in the form of Centers of Excellence led by top scientists. 

Previous theme reports

Front page of Lasting value from DNRF CoE  - 2023
Front page of Digitization and FAIR data, 2022 
Front page of The Culture of Academia, 2021 
Front page of Transformative Research 2019 
Lasting value
from DNRF CoE
and FAIR data
The Culture
of Academia

Editor: Morten Andreasen
August 2024 

Danish National
Research Foundation
1057 Copenhagen K 

T: +45 3318 1950 
E: dg@dg.dk