28. February 2022

Other February News in Brief

BigQ takes a step forward in quantum science; UrbNet unravels questions about ancient recycling and reuse; CEBI finds correlation between personality traits and crime; HADAL…

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31. January 2022

New publication from CEBI summarizes the relationship between inequality and economic behavior

How does economic inequality across humans play out in their behavior? This is the central question for the Center of Excellence Center for Economic Behavior…

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14. October 2021

CEBI examines the relationship between money and vaccinations

What would happen if you offered citizens money to get vaccinated? This is exactly what the Center of Excellence Center for Economic Behavior and Inequality…

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Billede af DG's publikation "Nysgerrighed beriger samfundet" i trykt format.
1. September 2021

DNRF publication highlights research’s usefulness to society from a new perspective

Does society benefit when its country’s smartest citizens spend many years, and often a lot of money, going down new roads in search of understanding…

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31. May 2021

Other May News in Brief

US Secretary of State visits QDev; Professor Anne Marie Mai from Rita Felski’s Professorship elected as new board member of the Velux Foundations; New study from John McGrath’s…

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1. March 2021

Other February News in Brief

New study about patterns of citations between judgments from iCourts; Professor Rita Felski has been appointed to the prestigious “Clark Lectures”; New study from CEBI…

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Eksempel på forhold mellem mus, fedme og celleforandringer
29. January 2021

Other January News in Brief

New EU-financed project from CML; New study from ATLAS explores the link between obesity and cell changes in mice; New project “HappyFish” from CEH; Two…

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Centerleder Claus Thustrup Kreiner fra CEBI.
14. December 2020

Professor Claus Thustrup Kreiner receives the Richard Musgrave Visiting Professorship 2020

Professor and Head of Center Claus Thustrup Kreiner, from the Center of Excellence CEBI at the University of Copenhagen, has been awarded the prestigious Richard…

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Anja Boisen med ridderkorset.
30. November 2020

Other November News in Brief

Head of Center Anja Boisen from IDUN is awarded Knight of Order of the Dannebrog; Award to Ph.D. student Jakob Blaabjerg Ahm Sørensen from FRIC;…

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CNG 2D materialer. Foto: DTU
31. July 2020

Other July News in Brief

Research from CEBI on consumption during corona shutdown in PNAS; DAWN separates gamma rays into two classes using Al algorithm; PRIVACY has launched a series…

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Billedet viser logoet for prisuddelingen af AEJ Best Paper 2020.
5. May 2020

CEBI is among the winners of the AEJ Best Paper Award 2020

The American Economics Journal (AEJ) has named a paper from the DNRF center CEBI as one of the winners of the AEJ Best Paper Awards…

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30. April 2020

Other April News in Brief

A research project from CNAP will map COVID-19 symptoms; Mette Birkedal Bruun is a new member of the Danish Council for Research and Innovation Policy;…

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Jeppe Druedahl, adjunkt ved grundforskningscentret CEBI
20. March 2020

Jeppe Druedahl from CEBI analyzes the significance of the corona crisis for the Danish economy in Information

The Danish newspaper Information has published an analysis of the corona crisis’s impact on the Danish economy. It argues what it will take to get…

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Figuren illustrerer forholdet mellem fødselsvægten for mødrene og børns testresultater, afhængigt af barnets egen fødselsvægt.
26. November 2019

New study from CEBI: Parents’ birth weight influences children’s performance in school

The correlation between one’s birth weight and how one makes it later in life is not a new phenomenon within science. According to a new…

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Scientific illustration of screening pictures of human brains.
28. February 2019

Other February News in Brief

Post-doc from CP3-Origins: Dark matter of the universe might not exist after all According to models developed by post-doc Juri Smirnov, from the Center of…

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